The Joy of Baking

Tim Taylor is a comics creator living in Savannah, GA with his wife and two pups. He teaches at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and when not in class, he’s usually found writing and drawing comics. He grew up at the edge of Appalachia, in the tri-state between West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. He isn’t Northern, although West Virginia went with the North. He isn’t, Southern despite growing up south of the Mason Dixon line. He is a complete nerd with a deep and abiding love of science, history, and comics. Tim mostly writes about real life in the hopes that others will be able to relate and feel connected. But he believes aliens are out there, Pluto is a planet, and history is a glimpse into the future. Those make for fun stories too. His favorite sweet treat is slightly-less-than-baked cake.


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