An Afternoon Can Last Forever

Today I cannot leave the couch, gaze fixated on
a screen. Weigh this illness against that one, take
another test. A brain like mine clings, needs to churn

thoughts until it feels clean, only done when it decides
to be done. I think that after I die, I will return as a kaleidoscope,
an endless merry-go-round of splendor casting new rainbows

everywhere I turn. The man I love breaks my train-wreck
thoughts, hand outstretched to coax me to the car.
We parallel railroads and rivers around the countryside

when sun pastels the clouds, those suspended crystals
that float toward their own disappearing. They dream of
new ways to be loved, to be held in a warm hand up to

a delicate eye, become greater than the sum of their sky,
yearn for a body like mine as they dismember and re-member
their own bodies without fire, an eternal dancing light.

Chel Campbell (she/they) (Instagram: @hellochel) is a poet from Sioux Falls, South Dakota who will eat a dozen chocolate chip cookies in one sitting with zero regrets. Their debut collection of poetry, Everything We Name is Precious, is forthcoming from Milk and Cake Press in 2024. Her most recent work appears or is forthcoming in MER, Rogue Agent, SWWIM, New Delta Review, and trampset. Find her on Instagram @hellochel and say hello!


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