Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.



 Patrick Wright

Vir Heroicus Sublimis After Barnett Newman Forget meaning for the Greeks or cathedrals conceived as such; where zips are light beams of mortals. goes on till colour has nothing...

 Jessica Smith

Mother’s Day My son lies on his back beneath a bed of stars. My motherpurchased the stars for him. He has learned howto switch the...

 Mary Lou Buschi

My Husband Holds Up a Pair of Mismatched Socks I tell him not to worry, eventually they will match,one day finding one another again, eventually the...

 Jose Hernandez Diaz

The Legend of the Fall I fell from a giant polka dot hot-air balloon up in the sky. Just as I fell from the balloon,...

 Heather Truett

Love Sonnet for Idgie Threadgoode The mason bees are buzzing. It's a summer afternoon. Their nest is hidden inside the earth. I lie belly to brown barrenness. No...

 SM Stubbs

It Can Also Mean a Type of Fish Language is made with sounds and symbols. An X suggests an ending or anonymity or place treasure is hidden. Meaning requires...

 Yoon Park

The Brightest I could talk about color palettes. You can use umbers, or siennas —raw siennas, burnt sienna is cold and raw sienna is warm. What I’ve learned from...

 Sara Moore Wagner

At the Annie Oakley Festival, There Are So Many Trump 2024 Banners “I love a gun. I have always loved a gun.” –Annie Oakley To love...

 Kale Hensley

Morning Glory for N.P., who breathed the first line We need a particular privacy to feel— a wired frame guarded by a quilt, dark curtains who tame the...

 Natalie Marino

Middle Age Suddenly this hunger.The yard’s river birch finally empties itselfof summer’s grief when the night’s crescentmoon swallows a small piece of the pallidred sky. Before the fall,regret is...

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