Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.



Donald Pasmore 

Exile Exile is a long walk, an intricate tattoo, soonit has grown into your face—Daniel Simko Your mouth sounds clearestacross the ocean. Language rises into a cloud...

Amy Alvarez 

Our Lady of the Cafeteria Praise her hairnet, her steam-smudged eyeliner, bronzed highlights. Praise her tongs that hold up breaded fish as wrinkle- nosed kids ask what is...

Jayant Kashyap

Winters— we like our bodies naked  blanketed  like letters in an envelopemoving against each-other  as though the only warmth in this worldcould come from touch  as though the only...

Sarah Carey

Tahane Recalls His Escape An elderly gray wolf escaped from his northwest Florida preserve during Hurricane Michael and was later found and returned to his...

Brian Simoneau

When the Nights Are Long May oboes fringe the roads you roam, a string quartet arranged around each intersection and traffic lights timed to its movements, every car...

Emma Conlon

Silver Sage En route to Montecatini-Terme, Federica asks us, jet-lagged and bleary eyed, if we know how to spot the olive trees speckled along the sloping countryside. Laura’s voice...

Theodora Ziolkowski

At the memory care center, the parlor resembles what was once my grandmother’s bedroombut with artificial flowers.Dixie cups swirl with pink ice cream,the coffee table...

Shira Dentz

Pulling air into a tight vortex spins into a poem, readymade. I knew nothing of how poems came to be, so willed them. Like waterspouts, they twirled...

Tom Kelly

After His Bender, My Brother Takes Me Skydiving In a few minutes, if we’ve managed to pull the parachutes, I will wrestle my brother into...

Stefanie Kirby

With Wind The curtain breathes when I give birth to death, its push from open windows: out. They mark my door with a leaf to say, There is no breath inside this...

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