Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 9.2

Devon Balwit

הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי אֱלֹהִים--    כִּי בָאוּ מַיִם עַד-נָפֶשׁ (Psalm 69:1 Save me, God, For the waters have come up to my neck!) I awoke in the night...

Jeff Mock

If a Plane Crashed Exactly on the U.S.-Canadian Border, in Which Country Would They Bury the Survivors? —for Margot After I crawled away from the wreck And...

Christine Butterworth-McDermott

When Your Mother Loses Her Mind This is the beginning when numbed by morphine she asks if you believe in heaven and you say yes...

Kristine Langley Mahler

              Kristine Langley Mahler is a graduate student at the University of Nebraska-Omaha and Associate Nonfiction Editor at Pithead Chapel who has recently published essays...

Patrick Madden

Aborted Essay on Plums What abortions are these Essays! What errors, what ill-pieced transitions, what crooked reasons, what lame conclusions! How little is made out,...

Andrew Bertaina

Blackberries After graduate school, I threw away nearly everything I’d written, certain that I’d moved on. Now that some years have passed, I’ll spend forty...

Will McMillan

Exploded “So we put all these unused explosives into a pile…” my brother Chris whispers to me, and I recognize his tone at once. It’s...

Sarah Ann Winn

Funeral FAQs Question: Should we play a hymn when viewing the folded flag?Answer: Forgiveness is not a window full of fingerprints wiped clean.Question: What arrangement...

Todd Kaneko

Train Wreck You say the end will be a jumble of bones, a skeleton scrambled and left for the dogs. I say the whole damn cemetery can be upheaved...

Martin Ott

Dinosaur Gardens Every family’s story is the same in departure. We visited every summer, a pilgrimage to primordial creatures fashioned from lumber, concrete, and obsession....

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