Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 7.3

Susan Rich

Not Monet’s Giverny In our snow globe of good-byes we leavecities burning, arguments still on fire. We do not touch but force ourselves into pockets and gloves.Winter...

Ellie Francis Douglass

Anthropomorphizing the Orchid Lowering my nose to the waxy petals, I’m kissing you goodnight in the hospital again. Your lips smelled faintly of sour milk, those protein...

Delia Rainey

Bird of My Past If I touch you but you do not wish to be touched, I may feel ashamed. Bird of my past – I imagine...

Kathleen McGookey

I’d Like to Think Someone is Listening Why else tell what it’s like in my house full of machines? I like being alone but my...

Brenda Miller and Lee Gulyas

Come Closer A collaborative essay So come closer, come into this. There are birds beating their wings beneath your breastplate gentle sparrows aching to sing…. —Anis Mojgani “Feb *...

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