Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 7.3

Janet MacFadyen

Dazzle Down to the baths of gold, towards the shoalsof the sea, the breakers so far and yetso visible. Past the spray of black palm...

Laurie Rachkus Uttich

Bereft (Of) You stood at the shore sobbing, a young man maybe twenty, your shoulders shaking as you bent at the waist. I saw you...

Amy Yelin

Collaborators Her hand is on my arm. It’s not a light touch, but more a gentle grip, a weight upon the area just above my...

Joey Franklin

Cool Enough, For the Moment It was the spring of my senior year in high school, and my friends and I were so desperately cool...

Saffron Marchant

False Alarm Midtown, Manhattan, September 12, 2001  Floor 31 I’m going to die now, aren’t I? I’m going to die right here, amongst strangers. “There are reports of a...

Melissa Matthewson

Draw Two Circles, So Joined In a boy’s hands, a trumpet, played to the open window at an hour of seven. I can’t tell you...

Adam Hughes

Grace Angel with the sword, hold off another moment. I just made love to my wife and we’d like to lie here, a grapevine and an ash, a twist...

Jennifer Lunden

  In February: After a complaint to my acupuncturist before getting on her table. There’s not even reason for hope till April.The robins will come, but...

Jennifer Schomburg Kanke

The Shape of the Body, 1979 Margaret Schilling, January, Southeast Psychiatric Hospital, Athens, OH They say the cold stopped your heart,the sun took your body,made a...

Les Kay

Frostbite All snowflakes look very much alike; like little white dots. -The Smithsonian They walked from club to club, arms chain-linked. By the third club, stumbling, holding tight, as...

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