Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 7.2

Citizen by Claudia Rankine

Dear Ms. Rankine, I am reading Citizen amid a whirlwind of a road trip, travelling from Florida all the way up to Wyoming, and everything...

Mathew Pereda

Chasing The man looks uptown, spies the alphabet ducking into a cab, watches as it goes north toward the river, then starts to follow. He feels in his...

Karen Craigo

How to Kill a Mouse The cat emerges from beneath the couch, between my feet, with a mouse in his teeth. It is his fourth...

Helen Wickes

Secret Lives of Trees January afternoon, the wind puts its nose on its paws, sun shining gamely through a sky the blue of purest gold—seven geese nosing...

Amorak Huey

Nocturne with Poor Decisions That time, say, you shoved me against the wall and we pretended we liked things rough. We don’t have to live in separate...

Jennifer K. Sweeney

On Not Being an Axeman Swing the apple blade, maul the ash. A cutting of late honeysuckle in a penny vase. I have romanced hawks and fieldstone and the notion...

Sheila Squillante

You Would Become Some nights you lie next to him as he sleeps, shadowy light striping his face, and think you would do anything to enter him. You would become music, some orchestral or unsteady...

Sandra Kolankiewicz

Hippotherapy I cannot remember a time when you weren’t strange, dressed up in your white tights and turtleneck, become the white mare, barefoot galloping the yard on your hands...

Jessie Carty

Muscling Memory Every time you get in the car you check the height of your seat, the mirror placement, try to remember if this is the way the...

William Bradley

Cathode Sometimes, my memory is like an old television set, turned on after the show has started.  The screen takes a few minutes to warm...

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