Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 14.1

Lisa Zimmerman

Writing About a Deer Because You Can’t Write About Cancer for Ilyse The bone loop of the vertebrae whitens in the airlike every bitter grief...

Lauren K. Carlson

Lament Beginning With A Line From Khaled Mattawa I have fallen into the embrace of my own rugged innocencelistener who suffers, in my innocence I’ve...

Evan Senie

Like a Word on the Tip of Your Tongue When you drop from the pullup bar onto the old wooden stoop of your cabin in...

Satya Dash

Tearjerker Downspout from the gargoyle’s mouth, a city’s sediment that escaped quenching. What once was rainwater through a most baffling sequence of events               is now blood. The metamorphosis explained by the days...

Alexandra van de Kamp

Sleep: A Report Oh, elusive lullaby of the body, porthole into the brain’s watery depths, last night you had me fretting over deadlines again— deadlines, what a term to carry...

Jai Dulani

survivor’s guilt Does x imitate y? x | y x = I smoke microchips. To catch a ride to myself; to tune the healing frequency. y = The...

Cheryl Ward

Self-Image O tyranny of reflective surfaces. She glimpsed herself in the mall’s plate-glass entrance, her mirror-image lumbering along. “That’s not me, that’s the opposite of...

Roxanne Halpine Ward

The Editor Attempts Bailar I dance flamenco the way a giraffestaggers after being shot with a tranquilizer.I dance flamenco only slightly more gracefullythan my washing...

Victoria Lewis

The Red Notebook Most Sundays I do a long run in the morning. A distant train sounds its regular lament. Oncoming cars swing their headlights...

Kerry Trautman

April 22: Birthday of Charles Mingus and Louise Glück “writing is a kind of revenge against circumstance” –Louise Glück Days bop along atop each other   like ragtag treetops  or like highway-side...

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