Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 14.1

Sweet Connections: Julie Paul

Several times a month we connect with our contributors showing where they have been, where they are now, and what’s up for the future. Name:...

Adam D. Weeks

Operetta After Hayao Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle You were never just one place. No, you were always opening the door into a different country, always stepping into a new...

Bridget Lillethorup

Death Valley 1947; Suspended Disbelief Bridget Lillethorup (she/her/hers) lives near some train tracks in flyover country. She is a teacher and writer in Omaha, Nebraska....

Allen Price

America's Black Atlas The definition of Americanness (sadly) remains color for many people ~Toni Morrison January 7, 2021 marked the 195th anniversary of eighty-year-old Occramer Marycoo, also known...

John A. Nieves

June You know it’s summer when your back is broken across the crown of the road. The cars, tired in tar, track their black prints along the...

Anthony Thomas Lombardi

The Heron the coffee maker’s clean light blinks there’s mold in the ceiling i’m waiting for the phone to ring someone calls or someone doesn’t call a package comes...

Jim Ross

A Listener He showed up for the first time on the second Friday of November, a fair to cloudy day that reached 60 degrees.  None...

Wendy Fontaine

Munsey Avenue When I was three years old, my family’s house was struck by lightning. My parents and I were at the supermarket checkout counter...

Simone Person

An Elegy for the Girl Before   After Luca Giordano’s Perseus Turning Phineus and His Followers to Stone   miserable girlflesh now turned the color of your worries,...

Courtney Lund O’Neil

Not the Color of the Rainbow She stood outside, next to the horse corral, the morning dew still hung on the lips of palm trees....

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