Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 13.3

Ellen Stone

small map Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. it was spring and all the blooming trees were talking to me as if i was...

Evalyn Lee

The Jaws of Life Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. Suspend you by a seat belt upside down the person you love crawls out of...

Sandra Yannone

The Glass Studio Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. I must go back to that photograph of me, fourteen, on an early morning in my...

Stephanie Reddoch

Tattoo Needle punctures skin. Needle. Punctures. Skin. Nee·dle·punc·tures·skin Pain with a purpose. Indelible memory captured in time. The wounds not knowing whether they conceal, celebrate, or represent. If you...

Kristin LaFollette

Occupied I’ve never thought of myself as calm— Once, a nurse carefully removedan IV from my arm and   held pressure,but once the gauze was released,the bloodletting began...

Ellen Sheffield

Field Notes for Two Voices Shepard Tone: an audio illusion of a tone thatcontinually ascends in pitch yet seems to get no higher. - The Center...

Anneli Matheson

A Wander Down Dried Seafood Street Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. My first address in Hong Kong is near Dried Seafood Street...

Diane LeBlanc

Damage Control Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. To remind ourselves we didn’t invent pain in our fifties, my sister and I talk...

Anne McGrath

A Reverence for Wood -- Erasure of A Reverence for Wood, By Eric Sloane Anne McGrath's work has earned a Best American Essays 2020 Notable citation...

Brent House

In View Press 'Play' to hear the author read their piece. 1. Myopia On the day Shiloh called its pastor, my mother sat at the peninsula between...

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