Wait For Me
Someday, when I have stopped feeling sad,I will tell you a story. About the helicopterspiraling into a skyscraper. About chin hairsplucked in...
October 31st, 1998
After our mothers turned into coyotes
& tore into the woods, moonlight silvering
their fresh furs, we sat on your porch
& instead of trading...
The Doing
The sun, having come,has now paled the veiland bronze, having cast,has tinted the sumps. Trees drag their flags,bag bursts of gusts.Plots of the landform...
The Kordylewski Clouds
“The Kordylewski clouds are a very faint phenomenon
comparable to the brightness of the gegenschein.”
—Michael A. Covington, Astrophotography for the Amateur
Today the earth...