Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 12.1

Loré Yessuff

Brown Girl Learns Her Body   I. Skin, light and boasting. Hair, fine and long and pigtailed. You are barely seven when you conjure up this image...

Marissa Glover

Wait For Me Someday, when I have stopped feeling sad,I will tell you a story. About the helicopterspiraling into a skyscraper. About chin hairsplucked in...

Douglas Cole

And That Darkness   Woke up in the middle of the night in the middle of a windstorm and saw that all the homes were dark, the...

E. Thomas Jones

October 31st, 1998   After our mothers turned into coyotes & tore into the woods, moonlight silvering   their fresh furs, we sat on your porch & instead of trading...

Martha Sutro

The Doing The sun, having come,has now paled the veiland bronze, having cast,has tinted the sumps. Trees drag their flags,bag bursts of gusts.Plots of the landform...

Daniel Levin

The Kordylewski Clouds “The Kordylewski clouds are a very faint phenomenon comparable to the brightness of the gegenschein.” —Michael A. Covington, Astrophotography for the Amateur   Today the earth...

Lisa Richter

Amazement When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. —Mary Oliver, “When Death Comes”   The snow never asks the...

Jenni Garber

Hold It   Ben pulls the biggest gun I’ve ever seen out from behind the bed. Hands me the thing. It's as heavy as a grown...

Hannah Star Bright

How to Bleed a Child   You are eight. Or else nine. And you are standing at the mouth of the hallway, in your mother’s house,...

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