Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 11.3

Nanette Rayman

the heart tats If my body seems both supple and potential now and again getting nothing you’d dreamed of does this— I smoke, bedroom-faced, my heart an...

Project Press Play

Excerpt from - Press Play: A webcomic.   EDWARD GUNAWAN WRITER A multi-disciplinary storyteller from Indonesia, Edward has worked as writer, producer, director and actor on award-winning stage...

Kristine Jepsen

Jaw Wiring: What You Need To Know   Patient Surgical Instructions What do I need to know about jaw wiring? This surgery, under general anesthesia, threads heavy-gauge wire...

Barry Peters

Dusk What are those animalslurking in the weedsbeside this windingdarkening two-lane throughthe Cherokee reservation?Maybe they’re huge llamas.Donkeys. Oxen or asses.Mutant horses, shaggyand woolly. I’m amazedat...

Laura Falsetti

Pulmonary   I run as if I’m dreaming I run with four legs and cloven hooves   When I run the earth falls away below me The earth crumbles like...

Vandana Khanna

The In-Between Girl The first time a boy tries to hit on me, I’m nineteen and have never dated anyone before. On a warm September...

Briana Loveall

Stitched   I am twenty-seven and my aunt is thirty-one when she dies. My father calls to tell me. He says, voice flat, that his sister...

Jeff Newberry

Mosaic   i.   In the Stag Hunt Mosaic, nude hunters pull the prey down. A wild-eyed dog tears at the deer’s side, while one hunter raises an...

Michael Schmeltzer

What Accidental Grace Fills the Mistakes I am worried about the sun again, light and warmth like the softest touch on your shoulder as a lover walks by   the...

Hannah Wagner

Lancelot, In Darkness After Louise Gluck I fed the secret anything it asked for,I wore secret across my chest like fur,I tried to return secret like...

Latest news

Indu Parvathi

Lindsey Jones

E Peregrine

Interview with Jill Christman

Sweet Connections: SM Stubbs