Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 11.1

Pete Mackey

The Grief The grief unexpected comes long after the dying,long after I did not recognize the breaking as my ownin the time around me, moving...

Elise F. Ritter

Code Green The Illinois air is much kinder than Louisiana’s: cooler, less sticky. I think maybe I should let myself at least enjoy the outdoors...

Phyllis Klein

Hardware It might seem to you that your machines are just as importantas your defeated heart, taking its beating too seriouslyor not seriously enough. Those...

Sara Ryan

My Father Asks If I Was Raised By A Jackal he laughs but he knows what he did. he molded my blood. I became part wolf...

Kelsey Frank

In the Produce Section Citrus cathedrals, stacked against stacks of themselves and in between the lemons and the grapefruits someone’s grandmother works her hands into some understanding...

Grace Gilbert

threnody for what’s left of you February again & i want the sound grief makes when it’s listening. i want to make new colors of it.  February again &...

McKayla Conahan

1943 We do not go to the ghetto, where the children’s drying clothes hang on the barbed wire like examples, but burrow, instead, between the roots of...

Andrew Dugan

Milk Thistle Outside Grandma’s Apartment, Windsor Condominiums, Early 1990s You said they were alien brains / and I believed you. My child imagination took over. /...

Jacqueline Doyle

Little Colored Pills “She was a painting by Matisse, but she took sleeping pills.” Carole Maso, The Art Lover   I   I have forgotten so much. Is it the...

Allie Marini

Vanished true crime shows in syndication transmute the natural world into a                  threatening beast—worse than any clawed...

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