Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 10.3

Rima Rantisi

There’s a Man Dying Next Door A man is dying next door. I know him. He owns the building I live in, and the building...

Caitlin Scarano

Did You Hear the One About the Man Who Killed the World’s Tallest Tree? This morning I walk with my dog along the river. It...

Emily Brisse

To Be Held The earth beneath my feet is soft, like a belly, I think, like a mother. I step down upon it quickly, down...

Andrew Bertaina

Winter in Washington, DC In the evening, while the children were asleep, my wife and I texted about the difficulties of life—doctor’s bills, the election,...

John Julius Reel

The Foreigner’s Neighbors The foreigner, recently moved into his girlfriend’s apartment, felt fortunate to be able to look down at the park in front, although...

Marlena Maduro Baraf

The Diner It’s a sliver of a diner in a white American suburb: metal and cracked granite, red leatherette stools, three large fans in constant...

Carolyn Williams-Noren

My Daughter and Her Best Friend Made Blue Jay Masks at Camp I asked my dad when I was her age, Do grownups have best friends? He...

Michael Chaney

Horses Mouth   Michael Chaney has been published in Michigan Quarterly Review, Fourth Genre, Los Angeles Review, Minnesota Review, and Prairie Schooner. He lives in Vermont.  ......

Joel Long

Late Life Winter I hate days to come, one of them empty.  One of them has trees with no meaning however they flower, unfold in green or gold. ...

Joshua McKinney

March Ghazal Under mud and brittle leaves, in a month named for war,the throes of spring begin, ecstatic and adorned for war.Behold the hordes stumbling...

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