Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


issue 10.2

Rich Furman

Return A fisherman saves a penguin from rotting oil, cleans him up, heals him. The penguin, instead of returning to the sea, stays with the...

Meghan O’Dea

Downstream in Highland Park My mother’s eyes glistened wetly at us for months after Benny came to Chattanooga. Winter is cold and wet in Tennessee,...

Rosemary Jones

The Girl in Me A cold and bitter Friday in January. Almost midday. I push at the black iron gate, cross the flagstones, and step...

Kristin Ito

Sideways Branches 1986 I’m in preschool at a small Baptist church in southern California, and my teacher looks just like me. Mrs. Fujimoto is Japanese, and...

Aspen Stoddard

Home When you say home, do you mean rain-shadow desert? Arid orange valleys threaded with shallow streams, sand packed hard as concrete, encircled with mountains,...

Lee Ann Roripaugh

Notes on the Shame Spiral Fool me once, shame on you / fool me twice, shame on me. How many centuries did it take birds to...

Leslie Jill Patterson

Running Every morning, even in winter, she stole from her husband’s bed at 6 am. It took fifteen absurd minutes to slip one arm at...

Jen Town

Ghost Theories New research suggests ghostsare the body’s sensitivityto magnetic fields—the body feels theseas a presence, a hovering.Or, that ghosts arethe barely perceptible humof faraway...

Sarah Fawn Montgomery

White Witch as a Young Girl Thick like molasses—Watch outfor your weight chorusthe church ladies, little girlsnot allowed delightfrom Turkey or elsewhere.Don’t brown in the...

Brenda Miller

Terminal Actually, it’s good to be quiet, to be a waiting stone, while that word caroms around the room. Does he mishear it as Eternal? The one time I...

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