Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.



Amy Alvarez 

Our Lady of the Cafeteria Praise her hairnet, her steam-smudged eyeliner, bronzed highlights. Praise her tongs that hold up breaded fish as wrinkle- nosed kids ask what is...

Karen Kao

Food Fight Grandma was born in 1892 in a village south of Shanghai, the name of which has been lost to family history. It might...

Dorothy Chan

It’s Let’s Get Food Not I love you, that are the three best words in the English language, because I believe in the practicality of love. Romance...

Sarah Scott 

Cooking Salmon for Your Lover Shiver with a flutter of anticipation, or is it dread, that your lover is coming to dinner. Your lover who...

Darren Demaree

  EMILY AS I PREPARE THE MEAL-KIT HOISIN PORK SLOPPY JOES I want the painkillers our dog is taking.I want a new soul out of nothing.Emily...

One Size Fits None by Stephanie Anderson

Dear Stephanie Anderson, I recall one of my teachers in my early education urging my classmates and I during a science lesson: “Take a look...

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