Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.



Anya Kirshbaum

Letter From the Edge of Every Known Thing Dear Ginkgo, are we so different? You at the edge of undress—I, undone, unkempt, infant at my...

Amy Poague

My friend Alfonso asked the lamps

Jacqueline Doyle

  Ode to My Cat, Ten Years Gone Like a boy named Sue, you were a girl named Bert, because our young son loved his uncle’s...

Marilyn Bousquin

Swinging in the Dark Wednesday, December 7, 2022 We talked by phone several times a week on my walks up Rivermont Avenue, but once you entered...

Sherre Vernon

3,000 Turns Against Death When Donne said Death, thou shalt die,he surrounded it with commas, breath through the barrier, the first wardagainst the unbearable. Second: this tongue...

Karen Offitzer

Oxygen Thief Years later, when I heard the details of my father’s death, I imagined a different ending: instead of trying to exit the truck...

 Liz Clift

Grief Grief as knees buckling when given the news I already knew or grief as a foreign country or grief as the ball I stuff...

Emma DePanise

Under Artificial Light For a second the shadow        watered a stain on the paper. You gave me    these words  so I must’ve nudged...

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