Day #78

The scouts are rowdy again as they parade to the pool.
They skip in circles around me and make a game
out of who can convince me to run with them.
Today is hard, though. My mother has told me
I’m not welcome home. I have a lesson to learn,
she says, though which lesson that is I am not sure.
Little sisters of sunlight, I feel your feet fluttering.
I can hear the water between your hands
when you each, finally, make your first dive. I am there
to hold your belly above the water’s lips as you learn
the nature of your own buoyancy, as I see how free
I should also be. Your little fingers thrash
for purchase where there is none, and I recognize
what it means to trust the body when emptiness lies
beneath you; to let your lungs fill with nothing but daylight.
How do you do it, little scout? How do you bask
under weightlessness and know you are safe?
You tether me to a place where water speaks
the language of wildhood in gifts of breath we give each other.
Can you cloak me in wind and convince me I am human?

Lauren Crawford (Bluesky: @laurencraw InstaGram: @ladylaurencraw Facebook: @LadyLaurenCrawford Tumblr: @laurencraw) earned an MFA in poetry from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. She is the recipient of the 2023 Willie Morris Award, a 2024 Best New Poet, a finalist for the 2024 Rash Award, third place winner of the 2024 Connecticut Poetry Award, and the second place winner of the 2020 Louisiana State Poetry Society Award. Her debut collection, Catch & Release, is available for pre-order with Cornerstone Press as part of the University of Wisconsin’s Portage Poetry Series. Her poetry has either appeared or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, Poet Lore, Passengers Journal, Prime Number Magazine, SoFloPoJo, The Florida Review, Red Ogre Review, Ponder Review, The Midwest Quarterly, THIMBLE, The Worcester Review, The Spectacle and elsewhere. Lauren serves on the editorial teams of Iron Oak Editions & Palette Poetry, and lives on the east coast of America, on the ancestral lands of the Quinnipiac Tribe.

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