Ecological Observations on Growth
Is birth only a rupturing of surfaces?
Sprouts from abandoned coconuts,hoisting pinnate leaves, an abacusto measure my absence from home.The mango...
Digitalis purpurea
I am not in motion
but held
by foxgloves
and June grey
granite peering over
asphalt curves
golden lines are
lanes and bumblebees
bloodspot blossoms
and a summer
not yet here
but not yet
Perfect Kiss
The first insults those that follow—
a curiosity, a carnival ride at dusk.
Second or hundred-&-third
recalls the first, measured &
found lesser—small rite
in tribute to inaugural...
Aubade Ending with a College Acceptance Letter
That time at the Ingomar rodeo,
back of the horse trailers,
all that dirty July light, gleam & shit-spatter,
the dust...
Minor Details
We lie on a fallen beachwithin the sooty winds of the east.
What makes a war-stroke cityso human and inhuman?
Far missiles are weavingthe heavens...