Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


Creative Nonfiction

Marilyn Bousquin

Swinging in the Dark Wednesday, December 7, 2022 We talked by phone several times a week on my walks up Rivermont Avenue, but once you entered...

Lisa Rosenberg

Greek Coffee It’s easy to overlook the gifts of Greek coffee, especially if you’ve heard it described as “hot sludge” or “little cups of tar.”...

Christopher Notarnicola

FPO AE I bought a four-band puzzle ring from a shop beneath the Al Asad stadium. The proprietor asked if I was sure the ring...

Emily Brisse

Driving West Ten years ago, on each weekday morning in the months before my son was born, I drove west. I drove through countryside, past...

Carolyn Alessio

Tomorrow Times 3 Mensa means idiot in Mexican Spanish, an irony I learned from 28 sets of laughing, bilingual lips. My sophomore students would soon...

Sarah Scott 

Cooking Salmon for Your Lover Shiver with a flutter of anticipation, or is it dread, that your lover is coming to dinner. Your lover who...

Laura Johnsrude 

Brown Barrette in My Hair Maybe I imagined it, that in-ground pool beside the red dirt ball field. The pool, painted Carolina blue with a...

Robert Barham

Trying to Convince Poison Control You’re a Good Parent You try to sound calm—but not too calm. When they ask your daughter’s weight, you sound knowledgeable,...

Cheryl Graham

God is Wind I dreamed I was at a party with a group of people from my high school, though because it was a dream...

James P Blaylock

Monsters and Dust Some forty years ago, give or take, I was thinking about salt, Morton’s salt in particular. It occurred to me in a...

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