Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


Creative Nonfiction

Jennifer Smith Gray

Gale Force And every man knew, as the captain did too, T'was the witch of November come stealin' “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” – Gordon Lightfoot The...

Jasmyn Huff

Animagraphy In 1904, Edward Sheriff Curtis took a photograph of Teddy Roosevelt. The photo shows him half in the light, against a dark background, pince-nez...

Debra Gwartney

Faraway/Nearby In the modern art wing of the Metropolitan Museum, I watch a woman make her way to a bench set in a dim corner....


Cicadas His palms wrap around his jawline while he looks at her. She’s talking, trying not to show the effect his eyes have. She notices...

Peggy Shumaker

Autopsy Report My mother’s brain weighed 1420 grams. No discernible measure for the gravity of her mind. Her thoughts, heavy enough to crush her. Cyanotic nail beds. General...

Loré Yessuff

Brown Girl Learns Her Body   I. Skin, light and boasting. Hair, fine and long and pigtailed. You are barely seven when you conjure up this image...

Jenni Garber

Hold It   Ben pulls the biggest gun I’ve ever seen out from behind the bed. Hands me the thing. It's as heavy as a grown...

Hannah Star Bright

How to Bleed a Child   You are eight. Or else nine. And you are standing at the mouth of the hallway, in your mother’s house,...

Kristine Jepsen

Jaw Wiring: What You Need To Know   Patient Surgical Instructions What do I need to know about jaw wiring? This surgery, under general anesthesia, threads heavy-gauge wire...

Vandana Khanna

The In-Between Girl The first time a boy tries to hit on me, I’m nineteen and have never dated anyone before. On a warm September...

Latest news

Sonia Greenfield

Robin Turner

Matthew Lippman

Jacqueline Goyette