These Were Our Best Years
We slept better after we invented violence,
some of us resumed the habit
of muffling cries with newly plumped pillows.
We sang the...
Upstate New York. A bucolic Rochester suburb. A river running past splintered churches and long-abandoned watermills, alongside Main Street and over the falls. Downstream...
Midsommar Dag
January in Minnesota is color stretched thin, pulled until you can see through it, even the delicate aquamarine too cold to hold clouds....
Green Migraine(s), John Clare, and Unapologetic Poetry:
An Interview with Michael Dickman
Dear Michael,
Long story short, I first started reading your work as an undergraduate in...
HENCEFORTH the peerless jury
finds gravity null,
unconstitutional—at last
hereby nothing binds
or keeps us
from disanchoring.
Sweet revelation! Oh
good fearless citizens:
Annotate the textbooks!
Dismantle the roofs
and parapets,
we’re unstapling
our bones
are ruderal
On Cessation
A crow clinging to a reed stabsat little fish. The lake holdsits setting sun a moment longerthan the horizon. Mosquitoes prickwhat bleeds. A...