Poetry, CNF, and Graphic Essays.

So good you can taste it.


Andrew Braithwaite


Tarn Wilson

Wanted: Lighthouse Keeper This is not the job for those who wish to impress their friendsor disappoint their parents. You will not stand firm in...

Jen Karetnick

Too brief again, this August light For Austen Clyde Prescott, June 20, 2005-August 3, 2023 But the uncommon heat will not break.Rain sizzles the roof tiles...

Anna Rollins

Lemons To begin, we mix frozen lemonade concentrate with a wooden spoon. We set up with a sign, Solo cups, and a plastic pitcher at...

Amy Alvarez 

Our Lady of the Cafeteria Praise her hairnet, her steam-smudged eyeliner, bronzed highlights. Praise her tongs that hold up breaded fish as wrinkle- nosed kids ask what is...

Jacqueline Doyle

  Ode to My Cat, Ten Years Gone Like a boy named Sue, you were a girl named Bert, because our young son loved his uncle’s...

Jayant Kashyap

Winters— we like our bodies naked  blanketed  like letters in an envelopemoving against each-other  as though the only warmth in this worldcould come from touch  as though the only...

Lori Barrett

Driving Without a Map Our warm bodies glow in the dashboard lights. My youngest, their boyfriend, and I follow the white lane lines and the...

Sarah Carey

Tahane Recalls His Escape An elderly gray wolf escaped from his northwest Florida preserve during Hurricane Michael and was later found and returned to his...

Lauren Fath

How to Leave Without Saying Goodbye I’ve begun to feel, if not hope then what comes just after— or before— Let’s not call it regret, but this weight, or weightlessness, or just plain waiting. The ice...

Brian Simoneau

When the Nights Are Long May oboes fringe the roads you roam, a string quartet arranged around each intersection and traffic lights timed to its movements, every car...

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