Body Horror: Biopsy
I step through a glass door to the grassy courtyardoutside the clinic waiting room. The sun shines medium.
On the ground, an iridescent...
The Other Affair
Not even the wind creates love songs equally,
For a passerby, lifting a stubborn edge of joy
From this ruddy earth with frail hands,
Another soft yet adamant thing
clambers to reach you, barred
by a cunning machinery assembled
by your own disruptive hand. Go,
work until you barely feel. Ascend
and trek...
The Number of Completion
After Three Pears by Patty Willis, oil on canvas
The first pear blushes; you’ve discovered himnaked with his companions, their fleshy bodiesinches...
Exile is a long walk, an intricate tattoo, soonit has grown into your face—Daniel Simko
Your mouth sounds clearestacross the ocean. Language rises
into a cloud...
That January we ate ramen, broth sharpas vinegar. Sipped the sizzling disappointment
while snow cascaded from the second flooruntil our city grew unrecognizable. By April
love was...